
7digital Creative is the production team at 7digital

We’re a family of skilled producers, working with top talent to deliver exceptional programmes.

Our team evolved from three production companies with histories going back 30 years.
We combine that heritage with a drive to create the Next Brilliant Thing.

Say hello to our core staff. We’re based in Salford, London and the West Midlands.

  • Nikki Cannon

    Production Manager, Salford

  • Mollie Davidson

    Producer, West Midlands

  • Sarah Harrison

    Producer, Salford

  • George Hodkinson

    Assistant Producer, Salford

  • Jon Lewis

    Editor, North

  • Richard Power

    Senior Development Producer, London

  • Lorna Skingley

    Senior Producer, Salford

  • Kellie While

    Head of 7digital Creative

  • Chloe Williams

    Assistant Producer, London